Udsigtspunkter og udsigtstårne
Landskabet i Vejen-området er bemærkelsesværdigt på flere måder. Inden for få kilometer skifter det mellem flade sandede hedesletter og bløde bøgebevoksede tunneldale. Her har istiden sat sit præg. Nyd synet - her er steder, hvor der er uforstyrret 180 graders himmelhvælvsudsigt.
Her er en oversigt over gode udsigtspunkter og udsigtstårne, som kan være en del af en hyggelig gåtur eller mål for en udflugt. Der er helt sikkert endnu flere rundt om i området. Disse her er vores favoritter i vilkårlig rækkefølge:
Hundsbæk Plantation and "Fru Mettes Bjerg"
Hundsbæk Plantage with its winding roads and rolling hills is quite unusual for a heathland wood, which makes it an ideal spot for a nature walk.
Åtte Bjerge
The hills of Åtte Bjerge, rising steeply from Kongeådalen (stream valley), used to be covered with heather. The changing cultural influences, however, have changed the area quite a lot.
Emplacement in Dover
Kanonstillingen i Dover is a relic from World War II and, at the same time, it offers a scenic view of Kongeådalen (valley) and a small nature path.
Skelhøj, barrow at Tobøl
Skelhøj is an impressing big burial mound from the Bronze Age near to Kongeåen and Tobøl.
Vittrup Baun, Bække
A hillscape reaching 101 meters in height, Vittrup Baun towers over the flatlands west of Bække. The hills are an area of natural beauty with a number of ancient heritage sites, which is why the area ...
Skibelund Krat
Skibelund Krat is today a monumental park. The location was established in 1865 after the loss of Southern Jutland to Prussia and was used as a gathering place for celebrations.
Lokes Høje, barrow
Just south of the river of Kongeåen – where Frihedsvej and the Ancient Road cycling route meet – you find the heritage monument of Lokes Høje (Mounds of Loki).
Reunification stone at Skibelund Krat
The Reunion is the event in the History of Denmark for which the highest number of memorial stones have been erected, not just in Southern Jutland/North Slesvig but in the entire country. The Reunion ...
Læborg Church
Læborg Church is situated on a hillside on the southern outskirts of the village of Læborg right next to the Ancient Road. The church was originally located in open land and was used as a landmark by ...
The Dalgas Statue, Hovborg
Chiselled in granite, Dalgas looks out from his mound over the heath landscape, which he made his life’s work to plant with trees. Without him, the area around Hovborg would not have had the large pla...
Føvling Church
Føvling Church is one of the best preserved granite churches in Jutland. The church is certainly built in 1200-1205, and the northern side of the church is almost unchanged.
Bike route, Føvling Brørup
A 30km biking-route, which leads you around in history and cultural history in the landscape north of Kongeåen and south of Brørup.
Senhøj ved Føvling
Gravhøjen Senhøj kan ses fra Lervadvej - og selve gravhøjen ligger markant 77 meter over havet. På toppen af højen er der et postament, som er et geodætisk fikspunkt.
Brøstrup Højene
A group of noticeably round mounds which are most likely from the late bronze age.
Folding Church
Some of the interior from the former church was reused.
The altarpiece and the pulpit are both from the year 1634 and the...
Kongeådalen - Københoved Skovvej
Fantastisk udsigt over Kongådalen - fra syd - finder du på toppen af Københoved Skovvej.
Hotel Skibelund Krat Restaurant
Restaurant Skibelund Krat is the cosy a la carte restaurant of Hotel Skibelund.
Udsigtspunkt i Føvling
Nyd en fantastisk udsigt over Kongeålen fra toppen af gravhøjen i Føvling.
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Har du mod på en op-ad-trappe-tur for en god udsigt, så skal du besøge et af de her steder:
Fru Mettes Bjerg i Hundsbæk Plantage ved Læborg - her finder du inde i skoven et fint udsigtstårn, hvorfra du kan se til Ribe - i godt vejr altså. Se mere her: Udsigtstårn i Hundsbæk Plantage.
I Klelund Plantage ved Hovborg finder du også et tårn lige ved siden af parkeringspladsen. Herfra kan du skue ud over heden og mærke den stride vestenvind, der har sat sit præg på området gennem århundreder. Du kan finde tårnet her:
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