Kom rundt i hjørnerne af Vejen Kommune og se det, som du ikke ellers ser. Vi har lavet en række cykelruter, så du både kan nyde landskabet, blive klogere på kulturhistorien og få dig rørt. Du kan også prøve kræfter med en mountainbikerute.
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På dette link kan du se et kort over Vejen Kommune, hvor alle cykelruterne er tegnet ind. Ruterne er IKKE afmærkede ude på ruten.
Er du på jagt efter bakketræning, der kan tage pusten fra dig, så er der 3 mere udfordrende steder, bl.a. en over 700 m lang 4,8% stigning ved Kongsbjerg mellem Foldingbro og Københoved. Kig dem alle her.
Bike hire, Hovborg
Experience the beautiful and peculiar nature around Hovborg on a bike tour for the entire family. There are no hills, plenty of shelter, not that much traffic and exciting things to look at on the way...
Bike Route, Hovborg West
A route of 17 km leading you through the landscape that is typical for the area around Hovborg: the plantations, the heath, the stream, and the farmland. The tour offers an insight into the cultural h...
Bike Route, Jels
A route of 17 km leading you through the wonderful Danish beech wood along Jels Sø (lake) with small trips to unique experiences and historical spots.
Bikeroute, Bække Gesten
A 32km biking-route, a foray into a landscape shaped by the ice age, with heaths, kettle holes and watersheds.
Bike route, Holsted Asserbølgård
A 17, 5km biking-route in the area north of Holsted and through different types of plantations and interesting buildings.
Bike Route, Hovborg East
A route of 14.5 km leading you through the plantations north of Hovborg and former heath plains to the east between Hovborg and Okslund.
Bike tour, Rødding - Øster Lindet
A route of 21 km leading you through the town of Rødding (Sønderjylland) to Langetved and Øster Lindet and back to Rødding.
Bike Route, Skodborg Skrave
A 23 km biking-route, which leads you through the area south of Kongeåen.
Biketour, Vejen Askov Sønderskov
A 17, 5km biking-route, which leads you through the cultural landscape between Vejen and Brørup.
Bike route, Vejen Gesten
A 30km biking-route, which leads you through the area, north of Vejen and through different types of towns: railway towns, old and new villages and many different churches.
Bike Route, Øster Lindet
A 15km biking-route between Jels and Øster Lindet, which leads you through Stursbøl Pantation along the ancient road’s cycling route and with historical viewpoints along the way.
Bike route, Vejen South
A 19km biking-route, where you cross Kongeåen, in the landscape and in the history. Starting in the city of Vejen the route is heading south of Kongeåen, along the river and back to Vejen.
Bike Route, Sønder Hygum Lintrup
A 35km biking-route, which leads you through the landscape and the history south of Kongeåen, and past three very kid-friendly attractions. The route can also be driven by car.
Cykelrute, Glejbjerg
15 km cykelrute, der fører jer gennem hedelandskabet og agerlandet og de typiske kulturhistoriske aktiviteter, der har fulgt med et liv her.
Cykelrute, Brørup Lindknud
32 km cykelrute i området nord for Brørup og gennem et kulturlandskab med forskellige historiske se-steder.
Bike route, Føvling Brørup
A 30km biking-route, which leads you around in history and cultural history in the landscape north of Kongeåen and south of Brørup.
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