Guide på andre sprog
Får du besøg fra udlandet og har brug for en guide på engelsk eller tysk, så kig i oversigten her.
Guidede ture på engelsk
Poul Erik Rosenberg Jespersen, guide
Poul Erik is a professional tourist guide. He know all the details in making a tour a great experience, meaning that you can relax and just enjoy the trip.
He can tell stories related to the Danish h...
Thue Uhre Lauridsen, guide
Book a guided bike ride with Thue and Susanne, they know all the small roads and all the stories of the area. Susanne will guide the tour in front of the group while Thue will be the one to tell all t...
Tine Steensen, guide
Tine can tell stories about the nature, and especially the children loves her stories.
Have you ever tried guessing which animal made a poop? Or listened carefully for the sound of the nightingale? T...
Poul la Cour Museum
Poul la Cour, Denmark’s “Edison,” was an inventor in the age of the introduction of electricity in Denmark.
Lars Petersen, guide
Vil du gerne have forklaret istidens landskab og hvordan det blev dannet, så skal du have fat i Lars. Lars har en naturvidenskabelig baggrund og er blændende formidler af svære emner. Så hvordan var d...
Sam B. Sørensen, guide
Join Sam for a walk in the wonderful nature. Sam can tell you about how the landscape came to be as it appears today, and how that affects the wildlife and plants.
Sam can introduce the insects in a ...
Omvisning på Museet Sønderskov
Museet Sønderskov har en række guider, som glæder sig til at byde jer velkomne til gode fortællinger i og omkring den gamle herregård. Start turen med at møde jeres guide i den flotte forhal, hvor man...
Carl Holst, Rødding, guide
Historien om Sønderjylland, den nationale kamp og Genforeningen i 1920 er noget af det mest spændende og også komplekse i Danmarkshistorien. Samtidig er det historie, som er synlig i dag, og især synl...
Guidede ture på tysk
Lola Lecius Larsen, guide
Lige syd for Kongeåen ligger Bennetgaard, som er en forhenværende gård fra 1700-tallet. Her kan man booke Lola til at fortælle om familiekrøniken som har ledt til, at Bennetgaard i dag er et rekreatio...
Poul la Cour Museum
Poul la Cour, Denmark’s “Edison,” was an inventor in the age of the introduction of electricity in Denmark.
Thue Uhre Lauridsen, guide
Book a guided bike ride with Thue and Susanne, they know all the small roads and all the stories of the area. Susanne will guide the tour in front of the group while Thue will be the one to tell all t...
Tine Steensen, guide
Tine can tell stories about the nature, and especially the children loves her stories.
Have you ever tried guessing which animal made a poop? Or listened carefully for the sound of the nightingale? T...
Poul Erik Rosenberg Jespersen, guide
Poul Erik is a professional tourist guide. He know all the details in making a tour a great experience, meaning that you can relax and just enjoy the trip.
He can tell stories related to the Danish h...